Switzerland - Basel

Sun 29 Jun 2014     Cumulative distance 2739km
We departed Battenheim in overcast conditions with a blustery wind and headed south, bypassing Mulhouse (dead quiet on a Sunday morning) and joined the cyclepath along the 'Canal du Rhône et Rhin' and then the 'Grand Canal d'Alsace' all the way to Basel in Switzerland.

Aside from a few brief showers the rain held off and the riding was easy, as we were mostly sheltered from the wind by surrounding forest. We stopped just north of Basel for a late morning coffee/tea (to dispose of excess Euro change) near the 'Drei-Länderbrücke' (Three Countries Bridge) - a pedestrian/bicycle bridge across the Rhine river at the point where the borders of France, Germany and Switzerland meet. To change our two country tour into a three country one we cycled across in to Germany, said "Guten Tag" and then turned around and cycled back to France! We soon crossed into Switzerland and entered Basel, a place very familiar to Marianne whose aunt lives there, and after wending our way through the old town we stopped at a cafe for lunch.

Basel marks the end of our combined tour. Over the next few days Beth and Denis will continue on, taking a relatively direct route back to Oberbalm (Marianne's sister's home) where they will clean and pack their bikes ready for our return flight late in July before taking a train back to Paris to visit family.

Marianne and David will stay a while in Basel with old friends and then take a more circuitous route back to Oberbalm, stopping to visit others along the way, arriving there about a week after Beth & Denis have left for Paris. We will all be re-united a day before our flight home.

Reporting will be limited to the periods when we are cycling and other activities will be captured elsewhere.

Battenheim to Basel Photo













(click on image to enlarge in a new window)

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading the blog....and seeing the utterly amazing & beautiful images....look forward to hearing more about it in person eventually.....I did happen to notice that you saw quite a bit of rain & cool windy weather... this of course makes much better for photography!!!! xxxxx thanks for the ride! debs
